JAM Session: January 14, 2025 Anything Goes Updated Dec 21
JAM Session: January 14, 2025 Anything Goes Updated Dec 21
By-Laws of theDr. Lynn Miner Ring 398 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians
Article I: Ring 398 Purpose
The purpose of the Dr. Lynn Miner Ring 398 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (henceforth abbreviated as Ring 398) is to be a social group to promote magic and its kindred arts.
Article II: Ring 398 Membership
Section 1: Applications for Membership
All applicants are strongly encouraged to be a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Application form`s are available at the Ring 398 Facebook page. Applicants seeking membership in Ring 398 must apply in writing to the Ring 398 Secretary using the approved application form. All applicants may be requested to give a presentation of magic or related arts before their applications are voted upon. Any denied applicant must wait one year before reapplying.
Section 2: Voting Eligibility on Applications for Membership
Active members of Ring 398, those individuals who have paid local dues, are eligible to vote on membership applications. Voting on membership applications shall be taken only at regular meetings, provided previous notice of an upcoming vote has been announced in writing. Ring 398 membership will be granted to applicants who receive a majority vote of members in attendance.
Article III: Ring 398 Officers
Section 1: Board of Directors Membership
The Ring 398 Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President and President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant at Arms. Collectively, they are responsible for making decisions regarding the allocation of Ring 398 human, fiscal, and physical resources. As Ring 398 role models, all Directors are expected to actively participate in all local programming activities, either by performing at least one magic effect or sharing an anecdote commensurate with the theme of the month. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly before the regularly scheduled Ring 398 meeting, either in person or electronically, unless a majority decision is made to postpone a meeting. Any Director missing more than two meetings per year may be replaced on the Board through consensus of the remaining Directors. Any individual Ring 398 member may refer a topic, question, or concern to the Board of Directors, who will address the issue being raised and, if felt warranted, refer it to the entire Ring 398 for further deliberation.
Section 2: Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
The order of business at each Board of Directors meeting may consist of:
1. Call to order
2. Attendance record keeping
3. Action on minutes of preceding meeting (Secretary)
4. Report of each director
5. Report of committees
6. Correspondence
7. Unfinished business
8. New business
9. Good and Welfare
10. Adjournment
Section 3: Duties of President
Following Robert’s Rules of Order, the President shall preside at all regular or special meetings of Ring 398 and the Board of Directors. As warranted, the President may appoint individuals or committees to recommend actions that will enhance Ring 398. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall have full and complete administrative powers conducting the affairs of Ring 398, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The President shall demonstrate proactive leadership in conducting the affairs of Ring 398.
Section 4: Duties of Vice President and President Elect
The Vice President is responsible for planning and overseeing the Ring 398 meeting programs, using a strategic blend of local members and/or guest lecturers as budgets allow. Tentative program plans shall be announced at least three months in advance to allow Ring 398 members to plan and prepare for upcoming events. Additionally, the Vice President shall assist the President in conducting Ring 398 affairs
Section 5: Duties of the Secretary
In a timely manner, the Secretary is responsible for recording, maintaining, and corresponding transactions of Ring 398 and the Board of Directors. In general terms, this includes keeping all books, papers, records, and other documents of Ring 398. In specific terms, this includes, but is not limited to, filing timely Ring Reports, Ring Events, and Feature Articles with the Linking Ring; posting meeting minutes to Ring 398 Facebook page; notifying Ring 398 members of meetings changes or cancellations; maintaining accurate distribution lists of (1) Ring 398 members and (2) organizational friends.
Section 6: Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the fiscal integrity of Ring 398. To achieve this goal, the Treasurer will keep and account for all moneys, credits and property of Ring 398. The Treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of Ring 398. The Treasurer shall issue notification of annual dues no later than November 15 for the upcoming fiscal year. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received and disbursed, including proper vouchers. Monthly fiscal reports shall be presented to the Board of Directors. The President may appoint two members to conduct an independent audit of Ring 398 fiscal records, to present their audit findings to the Board of Directors by their September meeting. The fiscal year of the corporation shall be from January 1 to December 31.
Section 7: Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms
The Sergeant at Arms is responsible for maintaining order at Ring 398 meetings and overseeing the Good and Welfare of Ring 398 members, including those dealing with birth, death, sickness, illness, injury, and rehabilitation. Additionally, the Sergeant at Arms is the point of contact for individuals needing transportation assistance to attend monthly meetings. Pertinent membership updates shall be reported at monthly Ring 398 meetings.
Section 8: Terms of Office
No later than September annually, the President will appoint a two person Nomination Committee who will announce their upcoming nominees for Board of Director positions at the October meeting, which will be voted upon at the annual November meeting. Additional nominees at the November meeting will also be welcomed. Nominations will also be taken electronically before the November meeting. The terms of office for all Board of Directors shall be two years. After serving a two year term as Vice President and President Elect, this position will automatically advance to the Ring 398 Presidency. No term limits exist for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-At-Arms, should the Nomination Committee recommend extending their terms of service.
ARTICLE IV: Ring 398 Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meeting Dates
Regular Ring 398 meetings shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Any regular meeting date may be changed by majority approval of the Board of Directors due to unusual circumstances provided due notice given to Ring 398 members at least seven (7) days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting date.
The Magic Jam meeting is held on the second Tuesday of the month. This meeting is to provide a place for members and guests to socialize and practice magic effects in a more informal setting than the regular meeting.
Section 2: Special Meeting Dates
Special meetings of Ring 398 members shall be called by majority vote of the Board of Directors or at the request of ten (10) members in writing. No other business may be transacted at a special meeting except that contained in the meeting announcement, which indicates the special meeting
Section 3: Governing Authority for Regular or Special Meetings
Robert's Revised Rules of Order shall be the authority governing the deliberations at all meetings of both the Board of Directors and Ring 398, except as they are in conflict with any provisions of the By-Laws or the rules and regulation of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.
Section 4: Quorum
A quorum to transact business shall consist of at least 10% of the members in good standing.
ARTICLE V: Resignation, Suspension or Expulsion
Section 1: Membership Resignation
Members are considered to have resigned from Ring 398 if they fail to pay local membership dues in a timely manner.
Section 2: Board of Directors Resignation
If a member of the Board of Directors resigns either in writing or through insufficient attendance, the remaining members shall appoint a replacement individual to complete the remainder of the unfilled post. Once completed, that individual shall be eligible to be nominated for that post as a new officer.
Section 3: Membership Suspension or Expulsion
Ring 398 members may be suspended or expelled from membership or removed from the Board of Directors for any conduct that is (1) not in the best interest of the Ring, (2) a violation of the IBM Code of Ethics, or (3) a violation of the Ring 398 By-Laws. The decision to expel, suspend or remove from office rests on first, a recommendation of the Board of Directors to do so, followed by a three-fourths majority vote of the membership at a meeting in which the membership is notified of the issue at least one month prior to the voting. Members considered for expulsion, suspension or removal from office will be formally notified and be given due opportunity to meet with the Board and membership prior to any vote on such action.
Article VI: Dues and Fees
Section 1: Application Fees
Members joining or rejoining Ring 398 are required to pay the first year’s annual membership fee of $20.00.
Section 2: Annual Membership Fee
Members in good standing are expected to pay the annual fee of $20.00 by the first meeting in January. Members in arrears after the first January meeting may attend the February and Marchat a fee of $5.00 for each meeting. Members failing to pay their annual membership fees by March 31 will be dropped from active membership and are welcomed to rejoin, provided they follow the new membership protocol, including application form, fee, and performance.
Section 3: Guest Fee
Members are allowed to bring a guest to Ring 398 meetings at no charge. Non-members not accompanied by a Ring member are welcome to attend up to two Ring 398 meetings annually without officially joining. Non-members are not eligible to vote on any official Ring 398 business.
Section 4: Lecture Fee
Members in good standing of any I.B.M. Ring pay a fee of $5.00 per lecture. Non-members pay a guest fee of $20.00 per lecture. Spouses pay the same fee as member or non-member.
Article VII: Dissolution of the Ring
If the Ring should be dissolved, all funds held by the nonprofit entity of the Ring, and all properties held by said Ring, shall be disposed of by gifting them in their entirety, and with no conditions, to another extant Ring of the remaining Ring 398 members’ choosing.
Article VIII: Amendments
Section 1: Amendment Protocol
Any amendment to these By-Laws must be in writing and read at a regular Ring 398 meeting at least one month before being voted upon, where it may be acted upon and adopted if approved by a two-thirds vote of at least 25% of the membership.
By-Laws Chronology
Chartered: November 11, 2017
Revised: November 2017
Revised: September 2018
Revised: November 2018
Revised: May 2019
Revised: October 2020
Revised: April 2021
Revised: September 2021
Revised: November 2021